

Welcome to my website, hope you enjoy it, most of the notes are listed below:

Some backgrounds:

  1. Probability (1)
  2. Probability (2)
  3. Probability (3)
  4. Advanced Probability (1)
  5. Advanced Probability (2)
  6. Calculus (1)
  7. Calculus (2)
  8. Backpropagation in CNN
  9. RNN
  10. Real Analysis (1)
  11. Real Analysis (2)
  12. Real Analysis (3)
  13. Real Analysis (4)
  14. Measure Integral and Real Analysis (1)
  15. Measure Integral and Real Analysis (2)
  16. Measure Integral and Real Analysis (3)
  17. Measure Integral and Real Analysis (4)
  18. Time Series (1)
  19. Time Series (2)
  20. Time Series (3)
  21. Linear Algebra (1)
  22. Linear Algebra (2)
  23. Linear Algebra (3)
  24. Linear Algebra (4)
  25. Linear Algebra (5)
  26. Fourier Analysis

Some RL backgrounds:

  1. MDP
  2. Bellman Equations
  3. Bellman Optimality Equations
  4. Dynamic Programming
  5. Value Iteration
  6. Policy Iteration
  7. Learning From Stream of Data
  8. Monte Carlo Methods
  9. Temporal Difference Learning
  10. SARSA
  11. Q Learning
  12. Value Function Approximation (1)
  13. Value Function Approximation (2)
  14. Policy Gradient (1)
  15. Policy Gradient (2)
  16. Policy Gradient (3)
  17. Average Reward Setting (Under Construction)
  18. Semi MDP (Under Construction)

Some interesting RL algorithms:

  1. DPG
  2. DDPG
  3. DDQN
  4. TD3
  5. Dueling DQN
  6. TRPO
  7. PPO
  8. Prioritized Experience Replay
  9. Intrinsic Motivation
  10. Go Explore
  11. Natural Actor Critic (Under Construction)
  12. Off Policy Actor Critic (Under Construction)
  13. SAC (Under Construction)

Some Deep Learning algorithms and models:

  1. Dropout
  2. Batch Normalization
  3. Layer Normalization
  4. Xavier Initialization
  5. Kaiming Initialization
  6. LReLU
  7. Alex Net
  8. Overfeat (Under Construction)
  9. VGG (Under Construction)
  10. Momentum
  11. Basic Adaptive LR Methods
  12. Adam
  13. Attention
  14. TCN
  15. Transformer

Some old school ML algorithms:

  1. PCA
  2. Logistic Regression
  3. Naive Bayes
  4. Decision Trees
  5. Random Forest (Under Construction)
  6. AdaBoost
  7. GBDT
  8. K-means
  9. KNN (Under Construction)
  10. SVM (Under Construction)
  11. EM Algorithm
  12. ROC
  13. LGBM
  14. Graphical Models (Under Construction)
  15. Sequential Data Modeling (Under Construction)

Some CS:

  1. LeetCode (1)
  2. LeetCode (2)
  3. LeetCode (3)
  4. LeetCode (4)
  5. Heaps
  6. Sorts
  7. Trees